Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Coupon From Brian

Uff Da Coupon

This is a "coupon" that Brian sent out to numerous friends and fellow musicians via MySpace earlier this year. I laughed when I received it, thinking it was a great idea and a typical "Brian" thing to do (though I don't know if the word "typical" could ever be used to describe him).

Though it didn't seem like he would have needed an excuse or reason to write even more music - among the many other adjectives that could be used to describe Brian, "prolific" was definitely one. There were hundreds of pieces that were written for and performed by Honk Wail & Moan and many other groups over the years, as well as I'm sure hundreds more that were never heard, but are buried somewhere in file cabinets, hidden in stacks of manuscript paper, and digitized on the hard drive of his laptop, waiting to be discovered.

And I'm sure there were many more potential masterpieces that were never fully realized, or even written down at all. Brian struck me as the kind of person who had so many ideas running around in his head that it was an endless, impossible struggle to get them all out where anyone else could see them. He created so much in his lifetime, but I know there would have been so much more to come - we only saw (or heard) the proverbial tip of the iceberg.

Hopefully, in the weeks, months and years ahead, we'll continue to discover more of his musical creations that are new to our eyes and ears. In the meantime, redeeming his coupon will sadly have to be included in the "I always meant to..." chapter of my autobiography - at least in this lifetime.


  1. Hi Tim -- Brian sent Henry (his nephew and godson) this coupon too. Henry for some reason thought there should be a song for each month of the year. He thought the different months had their own sound (and instruments), so he put it all together on paper and sent it off to his uncle. After Brian got over the "shock" of now having 12 songs to write instead of just one for Henry, he was tickled, pleased, and excited to work on the project (as I'm sure you can all imagine his reaction!). We received 6 of the 12. I would be happy to send a compilation to any who would enjoy it.

    I would also be interested if anyone else who had a coupon redeemed their's -- I'd love to know what else came of that. Of note, I have his computer and over the coming months will be combing through it. So really, I probably have the music, but don't have the context.


  2. I wanted Brian to write a reggae song about Mrs. Mooney our grade school principal, but I never sent my coupon back. : | I will have to imagine the hilarity that could have ensued!
